unfortunate title notwithstanding, David Harlan has not produced
yet another conservative jeremiad against multicultural and/or postmodern
approaches in the writing and teaching of American history. Far from a
stark portrayal of "degradation," Harlan's book is a refreshing
and hopeful celebration of the ways certain American scholars have (inadvertently
or not) begun to restore a nearly lost tradition of history as "moral
reflection" or "ethical judgment," enhanced this time around
both by an awareness of the conflictive multiplicity of voices from the
past and by a recognition of the unavoidable ambiguity of categories like
"objectivity" and "truth." The Degradation of American
History could serve as a therapeutic self-help manual for any historian,
teacher or critic who suffers from anxiety brought on by the "linguistic
turn" on the one hand or by the hysterical reactions to it on the
Not that Harlan eschews polemics--quite the contrary.
Indeed, he takes aim at targets all across the spectrum of the American
historical profession and is likely to provoke angry responses from diverse
quarters. On the right, he chides figures such as Arthur Schlesinger,
Jr., Gertrude Himmelfarb and Carl Degler for their blinkered refusal to
acknowledge the multiple contending voices of the American past and their
defense of a narrowly defined, univocal canon of great works. On the left,
he castigates labor and feminist historians whose overly contextualized
minihistories fail to speak to the ethical demands of the present. And
among mainstream liberals (such as American Historical Association President
Joyce Appleby and Margaret Jacob and Lynn Hunt), he exposes the haunted
banality in persisting efforts to rescue "objectivity" and "Western
science" from the corrosion of postmodernism.
Having thus cleared the terrain, Harlan moves on to concise and enthusiastic
reviews of historical work by a diverse group of contemporary scholars.
Philosophers Richard Rorty and Hayden White, feminist literary historian
Elaine Showalter and African-American critic Henry Louis Gates, Jr., get
extended, chapter-length treatment. Richard Rodriguez, John Patrick Diggins,
Noam Chomsky, Michael Walzer and Clifford Geertz also receive high praise
at various points. What unites these very different writers in Harlan's
view is their exemplary willingness to examine closely the textual artifacts
of the past and to reconstruct personally meaningful canons of work with
which to converse and argue. Rorty, for example, brings German phenomenology
(Nietzsche, Heidegger) into conversation with American pragmatism (Dewey,
William James) in order to construct a revitalized liberalism. In like
fashion, Gates has creatively connected continental poststructuralist
literary theories to the venerable African-American cultural practice
of "signifying" ("saying one thing to mean something quite
other," which has "been basic to black survival in oppressive
Western cultures").
In bringing his own scholarly heroes into conversation with each other
in this book, Harlan provides a further example of the sort of cultural
history he is advocating. At one point, he urges us to approach the texts
of the past not from some impossibly "objective" standpoint
but rather and merely "with an alert and willing mind," staying
attuned to the sudden appearance of something "that knocks the reader
off balance, that imposes itself, that quickens and provokes." The
Degradation of American History will itself have such an effect on
attentive readers.
Murphy is a writer living in New York City. He has studied and
taught in the Committee on Historical Studies at the New School for Social
Research. |